
Acupuncture and herbal medicine can greatly increase the chances of conceiving and insuring the optimum health of mother and baby. One of the ways in which it achieves that, is by reducing stress. When individuals are stressed, the hormone cortisol is released in the brain. This alters the brain's neurochemical balance, changing hormone levels and disrupting the pituitary balance, which is key to the reproductive cycle.

Balancing hormones and insuring proper circulation of blood and Qi (vital energy) is crucial in aiding fertility. According to several studies and medical research, increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs and balancing endocrine system increases the probability of conceiving. From a Chinese medicine perspective the goal of fertility treatments is not just to get pregnant, but to stay pregnant, feel well throughout the gestation and give birth to a healthy baby. At Transform Acupuncture and Wellness we advise treating both the male and the female who are planning to conceive. On average, forty percent of infertility is caused by problems in the female. Some common causes are an over-functioning or under-functioning thyroid or spasmed tubes, which can be successfully treated with acupuncture. Other fertility issues, however, such as tubal adhesions or blocked tubes will not respond well to acupuncture. Forty percent of infertility is caused by male issues such as, low sperm count and/or motility. Acupuncture, food and herbal therapies have been very successful in treating these. The other twenty percent of infertility causes can be congenital abnormalities or other chronic conditions.

Chinese medical practices for fertility include acupuncture, herbal and/or food therapy. These practices can aid in alleviating morning sickness, nausea, aches and pains (such as low back pain) while also relieving anxiety in preparation for birth and much more. Acupuncture can also treats insomnia and many other discomforts which are often experienced by women during gestation. We believe that post-natal care is equally important for the mother’s optimum health and strength while nursing and for her to regain the ideal weight after delivery.