Originated in China around 3,500 years ago. Chinese medicine practices consider Qi (pronounced “chee”) to be our "life force" also known as our "vital energy." Qi flows along “meridians” or "pathways" much like a river flowing throughout the entire length of our being. Chinese medicine believes that wholeness and health depend on the balance of Qi. Acupuncture involves the insertion of hair thin needles at specific points in the body. These points act as an entry way into specific meridians and their corresponding organs to correct imbalances and restore harmonious flow of Qi which in turn achieves a state of health and vitality.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping therapy has been used for thousands of years in many cultures but especially in Chinese medicine. It's one of the most gentle and effective method to relieve pain, treat muscle spasms and aches, as well as, relieve colds and flu. This ancient therapy can also restore a general sense of wellbeing and relaxation when used as a massage tool. Cupping gently moves energy and toxins out of the body while relaxing sore and tense muscles. Glass or plastic suction cups are applied to the effected areas of the body as needed.
Herbal & Nutritional Therapy
Medicinal herbs were commonly used in many ancient civilizations before Western pharmaceuticals were introduced. Treating and preventing medical conditions with herbs is a naturally and safe way to achieve maximum vitality and longevity. Classic herbal formulas and food therapy are tailored to the conditions and patterns of the individual and are based on pulse, tongue diagnosis, symptoms and lifestyle. Herbal medicine can correct body imbalances and restore wellbeing to the individual without the unwanted side effects which are often associated with conventional medication.
Moxa is made from dried mugwort and it plays an important role in Oriental traditional medical systems. Moxa can be used directly on the skin along specific meridian points or indirectly with acupuncture needles. Moxibustion therapy benefits have been proved to increases the production of red and white blood cells, including hemoglobin and it improves the overall blood and lymph circulation. Applying moxibustion therapy is not only used as a treatment for specific ailments but also for continuously maintaining good health and vitality.